Purakala is the journal of Rock Art Society of India (RASI). It was established in July 1990. It is a peer-reviewed international Indian journal completely devoted to the promotion of Rock Art Science and protection and popularization of rock art heritage, especially in India. It is one of the major journals of the IFRAO Family. It was established in 1990 and is being regularly published annually. Purakala Volume 30, 2020 is under preparation. It is being supported financially by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR).

Purakala, the paleoart, includes petroglyphs, rock paintings, engravings, figurines, ornaments and other such enlivenment ingredients that reflect the creativity and processes of humanization of man through human history. The journal fulfills the need of the time which demands the projection and appreciation of Indian treasure of Purakala(palaeoart) and sharing the views on this subject with scholars and experts globally. One of the important objectives of the journal is to help in developing new theories and advanced methodology for scientific study (which can be refuted/tested by anyone at any time), appreciation, documentation, conservation, preservation, and promotion of Purakala, and to encourage debate on such burning issues so that it can contribute for the development f  a new scientific discipline of knowledge and learning.

About The Author

Dr Giriraj Kumar’s contributions to Indian rock art and archaeology and achievements are outstanding. He is teaching Indian culture and life in Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University) since 1985. He is a dynamic rock art scientist and archaeologist, full of enthusiasm with creative mind.

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